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Joys of Valentines Day

Being single with Valentine's Day on the horizon sucks right? Well not for me, I am refocusing my energies into positive vibes for others. So No, I will not receive a new outfit, shoes, chocolates or even flowers this year- maybe if my daddy decides I still need validation from him- He always buys me valentines gifts *Daddy's Girl* but I don't think he counts anymore at 26 :-)

So no guy and no gifts for me but I will be throwing a Valentine's Bash for the kids.

Neka Luv the Kids.

I decided that I would focus all my creative juices and some funds into making their Valentine's Day fun. I wish some grown up would have thrown us a Valentine's Bash- like how fun is that- not worried about a play gf/bf  just going to have fun with friends on the day my parents were probably creating my siblings lol- One was born beginning of  November--- Calculating?

A cookie bar, mocktails, music, DIY photo booth and food! I think I will have more fun than the kids lol. Pictures will be up I say the first week of March- I am a procrastinator with the pics lol.

But I want to encourage anyone out there who may be depressed or saddened by the fact that they are single yet another Valentine's Day- be of good courage and go do something for someone else. When you are giving to others, you seem to forget about your own issues. There is this thing they say at church when it comes to what you receive. If you pour into others God will continue to pour into you. Give and you shall receive.

So no pity parties this year, man bashing sessions or unlimited netflix/hulu sessions.

So some ideas of good things to do for others this valentines day.

1. Make  Valentines Themed Blessings bags for the homeless and be sure to include a Valentines card.
2. Visit a nursing home/rehabilitation center and hand out valentines cards and play some games with them.
3. Valentine's Caroling? Some of your fav love songs and sing them to total strangers lol something my brothers and I do.... its called RANDOM SINGING - inspired by our iCarly days (inside thing)
4.Throw a party for your single pals- maybe someone will meet someone- grow some love

Just a few things I wanted to throw out there. But feel free to share other ideas if you have some. Of course I am going to leave you with some encouraging words.... Go out, have fun and remember that closed hands cannot give or receive anything.

Happy Valentines Day! May love abound!


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