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Girl Meets Self

Finding yourself is a wonderful experience. Realizing who you are- it feels  like a great awakening! It  is freeing and challenging at the same time. Breaking chains or habits that have become second nature to you is not an easy feat. We all have things that we wish we could change about ourselves at some point and time. My question now is why not. Why not chase your dreams? Why not move? Why not fall in love? Why not be who you were purposed to be?

In life- things get in the way- it is called life. How you deal with those distractions will determine how far along you get on this journey. It really hurt me to find out that Kehlani (one of my fav artist right now) attempted suicide. I pondered thinking WOW- what was so bad that she wanted to end it all. Here she is this gorgeous, talented, free spirit- Grammy nominated artist- girlfriend to a man worth 90mil- who is tall enough and cute enough- who displays his love for her. Why? your life seems to be what any 20 year old would DREAM of. But just like any 20 year old- there are distractions in life and somehow she was not ready to deal with those distractions mentally. I do not know her life story or her childhood or what makes her tick- who am I to judge? All I know is that life will happen whether you are Kehlani or Chantel and what may seem small to me can be ginormous to her and vice versa. So send or be an encouragement to someone today- you never know what others are battling.

I said that to say that once you become in tune with your star player (you) all the other people and things just become white noise and you become this unstoppable force of positive vibes and potential.

When I met myself finally- I began to see myself through my eyes only. Anyone else's opinion of you- is just that their opinion.. and they are entitled to that- but that does not mean you have to be bound to that opinion.

Life is all about choices. To go or not to go, to be or not to be, all that jazz. The choice is yours.

Update: Investing in self

So I finally purchased the software to learn French- enjoying it so far- hopefully I can really become bilingual- just because and plus that can be beneficial when I leave the U.S.

Also made a wonderful contact in regards to learning to sew- she is willing to teach me and so finally I can begin to make the clothes I spend so much money to find! Having long legs, big legs and long arms does not make it easy having a shopping addiction.... NO MORE!!! lol

Also.... I have my logo for my online business created- ordering business cards soon- and will begin the grassroots stages of my online domain...I will keep you posted.
I am not sure what direction I want to take it- Just Fashion or incorporate my love for hair as well- do I market for some of my favorite entrepreneurs as well? Found a wonderful soap maker in Vancouver- should I sell that too? Lots of ideas- but I know the fashion piece is my primary focus for right now.

But that is it for now go and affirm self!!

Say this 10 times to yourself in the mirror TODAY
I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely



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