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Learning to Let Go

The Problem....

It is hard to let go of something you have had for so long. The saying goes, "If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were." But what time frame is it that we are supposed to stick to and how long do you wait on someone who may not even love you?
  I have read over a zillion articles, magazines and blogs in regards to relationships and how to know they love you, what to do to keep a man, how to please him and the list can go on and on..... For some some reason in the back of my mind I keep saying that I will know when it is real. But will I? So many questions that go unanswered, but there comes a point in time that you must realize that you are in this life for yourself- make the most of it.I am learning to accept the things I cannot change and to change those which I can. I cannot continue to wait on a love that only exist half way.  So what is your plan you say?

The Plan....
Change the situation. Plain and simple. But it is so hard! That person is like that one outfit that you know you will never, ever get back into but you put in the back of the closet anyway in hopes of returning to the size you wore when you were 12 years old... yeah that bad.  OR that favorite toy that you seemed to have in every photo your parents took and you still remember the day you lost it or the day your parents threw it in the trash... yeah that bad.  The pain OMG I just cannot part with it.... but somehow you moved on right? Yes! you did. So move on! Let Go and Let God. If it is intended that this person is your soulmate... It will happen. I had to convince myself that there is something better for me. If this person won't committ then they are not worthy of my RHOYALTY! I had to view myself the way others saw me; in all my greatness- I fell short. Yes, I failed myself these many years, wasting time on people who saw me for what I was not for what I was a becoming- a QUEEN. So now I am in the process of letting go. Yes I cried, yes I get lonely, yes I struggle not to send that text- but I take it one day at a time, one NO at a time and eventually I will reach my goal. I feel that if it is meant to be it will happen in its own right... not by my own vices. If not....well.

My Exit....
So to all the individuals out there who struggle with letting go... remember you are not alone. We all make our choices and mistakes it depends on how you learn from those same choices and mistakes. Take the first step and acknowledge that YOU alone have a problem and then create YOUR plan to fix YOUR problem.  Do not worry about the other persons faults or choices... you are your own person live life for YOU. Do not waste another day waiting on something that will never be. Be loved.


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