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The Day After Tomorrow


So life just ended as I know it.... or so I feel. The finality of it all. Realizing that its really done, over, finito..

What is NEXT? I am not sure but what I do know is I chose me this time. The unselfish, compromising, work with you, patient girl finally said No, for me- it's my turn. Turning the page in this book called life.

It took everything in me not to say yes... every thing in me wanted to hold on to what I knew- the good inside you, the laughter, the understanding, the best friend-but I couldn't.

Just as in the movie the day after tomorrow... after the storm comes peace... new beginnings.

Learning opportunities appear as stages in life. This act is finally finished. I learned a lot about myself and experienced growing pains. It hurts, it really hurts but I have to trust that the day after tomorrow it will all work itself out somehow. So cry today, plan tomorrow and live.

Today though......
Today I feel stuck.
Today I am in the vortex with no where to run.
Today I am in the eye of the storm
Today I will cry.
Today I see nothing ahead.

Tomorrow will come....

Hope you read it.


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