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Power of Words

We have the power to speak both death or life into not only ourselves but those around us.  Starting today, I am changing my vocabulary and train of thought. I will speak life into myself and those around me. I am loved, I am beautiful, I am everything and anything I choose to be. I own my future. I am tired of questioning my relationships while realizing I was in those situations due to my own lack of faith or lack of belief in something different. Complacency breeds failure. This move has made me realize that I can do whatever I put my mind to and that those who truly belong in your life will come along for the ride.

Reminiscing on loves past will not allow me to move forward with anything or anyone new. Not that I want to jump right into anything but I realized that I am much happier when my focus is on self and not them. Yes, learn from all things gone wrong in the past... but also reflect on what went right. Who have you become? Did the situation change you for the better? How you react to the situation determines the next level. Challenges are God's way of saying, you are the best, you have what it takes to be tested and become a leader. So I accept the challenges now as favor. He must think highly of me of since he makes me work for it and does not hand it to me.

I attended the Running Reckless conference at the Potters House this past weekend and oh how I was blessed by each and every woman and man of God that got up. Learning to look at challenges as levels and realizing what the end goal is. Learning that I am not my past or the future I am the present and I have an expertise- walk in it. Relationships are a reflection of whats inside of you. You are drawn to either what you lack or what you overcompensate for. If you are whole though... you attract whole beings. Realizing that yes, he was broken but so were you and you both were trying to fit broken pieces together to create one... but it will never work that way. In relationships we should complement each other.... I am a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, I need whoever I am with to have that same mindset. Kingdom minded men only.

So 2016- here I am. Just a sneak peek into what I will be doing this year. Masters Degree will be complete (5 courses left) 2 school loans will be paid off, new car, mission trip, vancouver, promotion and love. I am speaking into existence right now. Don't believe me just watch me.


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