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Travel Chronicles: City of Angels

Awesome trip! I spent my weekend in LA and oh what a wonderful time I had. Port only cost like 10.00 there! I was in paradise literally- Long Beach not LA. But is it not wonderful to have friends in diff states- no hotel cost and free tour guide!

OF course I went to Hollywood- I had to! Rolls Royce's and Bentley's everywhere- no wonder people dream big here- you see it on the daily basis and you want it!  I visited the LA County museum of art- some great collections- could not do it all in one day.

Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles- of course I went! Now being from Dallas and all I wish the chicken tasted like Rudy's but hey everybody cannot put crack on the chicken lol. The waffle was delish though! and the gravy on the smothered chicken MANNNNNN- reminded me of Liz Thompson's pan gravy- Can I get a biscuit with that? But  expensive! They were taxing 7 bucks for french fries- where they do that at? LA apparently.

So Cali is off of my vision board list and it is still January- making wonderful strides. I register to complete my Master's program first week of February and I am excited! Finish these 5 classes real quick and be on my way.

Back to Cali- I did not find love as my best-friends thought I would lol. But I did reconnect with some of my past and after some reflective thinking- realized I am stronger in areas I thought I was weak and I can be proud of myself! I really connected with someone- another one of my vision board themes. I want to actively pursue and connect with others on a real level- not the all smiles Chantel that I put a facade up to be. I did just that- no bars hold, weave out, make up off type conversations and I am glad I did. I am living life to the fullest and having no regrets- which does not mean I am free to do what I want but rather- I am free to say No and be ok with it or to say YES and go with it.

Loving what God is doing in my life and I will most definitely be in LA  a lot more.... shout out to SW Airlines- hometown originated airlines for those wanna get away tickets!

So my words of encouragement to you! Get out there, be yourself, travel more, love harder and drink port!


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