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WTH did I just watch

So I am going to need to Netflix to screen these movies when they decide to show them to the world.

Today, I watched 2 movies and when they ended I said WTH did I just watch?
The Overnight- so I thought this was going to be a romantic comedy of sorts. Like Why did I get married- my spouse cheated- we reconciled type movie----- ohhhhh was I in for a surprise.

Young couple moves to Cali, wife works and husband is a stay at home dad... sort of backwards to me, but they are looking to make new friends in this new home of theirs. Voila- a friend appears for both them and their son over a bag of gummi worms- Going great so far.

 They get invited to a family dinner of pizza and wine and friends. The children automatically hit it off- best fran!! The hosting couple suggest that they put the boys to sleep their and continue their conversation- they are connecting- why not.? So Mr Jack of all trades puts the children to sleep like with piano playing, humidifiers and incense- magical the kids are down in less than 20 mins no reading.... As the night progresses the hosting couple seems a little swingerish- the kissing and overtures I am like ok this must be one of those someone swings and then gets mad relationships.... they all keep drinking, smoking weed, skinny dipping watching this soft porn about breast pumping and looking at/posing for the husbands art of painting @$$holes weird right.... ok should have stopped it their...kept watching

AND then the hosting husband and wife separate the other couple by saying store run is needed and they each proceed to convince the other that marriages change and wanting to be with other people is natural after 10 years of marriage and although they have fun and love each other- curiosity is there.... the wife is not feeling it... but the husband all like I am finding myself and love the expansion of my mind.... so they confront them and come to find out the husband just want the other husband he dont want no woman.... ehhhhh but the other couple like nah bruh so they continue talking laughing and not being weird about his preference... hug it out... time to go.... yeah no... the husbands start to kiss while the wives watch... WTH did I watch... thankfully the kids are awake and walk in... it stopped..... then at the park at a later date they run into each other and the hosting couple says thanks guys we are in therapy to fix our marriage.... uhm what? OK WTH did I just watch... I am all for marriages being fixed but that was tew much for that!!

Miss Julie- now I need a whooping for even watching it. It had 1 star to begin with. Should have known HOT MESS... like the actors should have quit. An aristocrats daughter falls in love with her fathers valet who is engaged with the cook... This chick is CRAY.... like loses her virginity, treats the man like a slave, gets drunk, argues and somewhere in there she tried to poison the dog and the valet guy ends up cutting the head off of the parakeet. They were supposed to go to church and the cook starts witnessing about the blood of Jesus and saving power of Christ to forgive our sins or they could run away with Miss Julie's daddy money- mind you he on his way home. But all I was focused on was - why the animals gotta suffer... that was all I got from the movie.... and after all this back forth about leaving and staying and love and happiness and life and class Miss Julie kills herself at the river she takes her flowers too....TRASH!!!!!!
do no watch Miss Julie- you will be lost, confused and asking WTH did I just watch.


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