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Knowing Yourself

I will dive directly into this one. No quote, no pictures to relate to.

How well do you know yourself? What are your wants and needs? What are you willing to compromise on? Are you a leader? Are you a listener? What do you believe in? What are your standards? Who affects you? What are your priorities? What makes you, YOU? What is your love language? How do you communicate? What are your flaws in your own eyes? Are you willing to change? What do you want your life to look like? What legacy will you leave behind? What is your plan? Who do you love? What are your fears.

These are all questions that you answer through self evaluation. The past few months have been time for me to self evaluate, make some changes, try some new things, make some decisions, walk away from situations, stand on my own, learn life lessons and let my voice be heard.

Well, I know myself pretty well now. I know that from now on I cannot compromise my being for temporary satisfaction. I am a wonderful listener.. not much of a talker until I become passionate about a topic. My family affects me profoundly- the loyalty I have to my mother/father is unrelenting, the love I have for my baby sister surpasses all and if worst came to worse my family is who I lean on in my time of need. Education is super important to me, however at this time I am not passionate about it... it is just a part of my life. My love language is giving... I will give my last in terms of money, food, emotional support and self- I usually give until I realize I am hurting myself in always giving and not taking time to care for my needs. I believe in Christ and his promise...My God will come through always. I believe in his Sabbath as the 7th day, he died for you and me.  I fear being alone, never being a mother and never finding my purpose in life (Which is why I am reading "The Purpose Driven Life") My flaws are my stubborness  (to a point) my obsession with image and my indecisiveness. I have little ears, curly hair and big feet- things I would change about myself but I appreciate lol.  I want to be successful, feel and be loved, receive what it due to me and be surrounded by positive vibes and people who push me to do more and try new things, I want to travel the world and meet people from all walks of life. I want God to be pleased with the decisions that I FINALLY make and I want to learn to play an instrument. I want to continue to be a giver and encourager; however, I  also want that one person who does for me what I do for everyone else. I love my family and close friends- I once loved a guy but he loved someone else. I want to leave a legacy of love and giving behind- I want others to say that when it counted I was always there- that although I did not say much my actions spoke for me- that I smiled a lot and laughed even more, that I loved my family and made a difference in their life. I love to read, I love to write, I am a natural born leader, I have a smart mouth and quiet spirit. When I do make a decision it is final. I am unwavering in whatever I set my mind and mouth to do. If I say I am going to do it I will move heaven and earth to make it happen. I love music, I love dance, I love wine, I love Law and Order. Who Am I? I am Me, I am love, I am learning, I am God's child, I am family oriented, I am single, I am fun, I am real, I am flawed, I am goofy, I am addicted to shopping, I am quiet, I am stubborn, I am the light, I am honest, I am outspoken, I am sneaky, I am positive, I am simple, I am woman, I am unrelenting, I am strong, I am emotional, I am independent, I am needy, I am giving, I am busy, I am bored, I am appreciative, I am competitive, I am hope, I am happy. I am just me... and I am trying to be the best me for me.

Who are YOU?


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