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Another Year

My goodness! 2017 is upon us and I have been slacking on this blog thing. I have good reasoning for that though. Grad school, new job, new man just new life all together has been keeping me occupied and pressed for time. This year has been a great one! I set out on a journey, finished some projects, started some others and now I am ready for the next chapter in my life.

Let us give me a hand clap for a 3.8GPA in grad school 12 credit hours down all A's..... got my mojo back.

Trip wise- I went to the Grand Canyon, took my sister on her first plane ride and locomotive ride- check us out.

I also went on my first cruise with the family- check us out- Carnival Freedom!!!

Anddd.. Chantel's got a man at home (channeling my inner 90's song list) Chante Moore.... And he's so good to me! 
That was unexpected- 

The holidays this year have been blissfully wonderful. The entire family knows who he is and he just fits. He attends church weekly with me- why? Because if it's important to me- it' s important to him (words out of his mouth) IT's right for the first time. If I get one more when ya'll getting married- I ain't gone do nothing lol.... I am just going to blush as I have been doing every other time. But for the first time I will not be alone on new year's away from my S.O or waiting on him to return from his "new years" partying, entertaining "his friends" We will be together. I am eternally grateful that God has given me the chance and the opportunity to get to know him. So my wish list/bucket list/vision board/goals for 2017 will be interesting.... let the thinking begin. 


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