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Chronicles of a Dallas Weekend

Friday Night
Brickhouse at the Potters House: love this place! Pastor Onterio Green is an awesome speaker and man of God. He spoke on "Dropping Your Stones" for his Flawed Series Pt. 2. Referring to the passage where the woman caught in adultery was brought before Jesus to be stoned by the so called church and how we place judgement on persons who differ from us in their walk with Christ or life in general- forgetting to realize that at one time in our life we either were just like them or worse off. If we want to be truthful probably still like them but we want to shed light on their sin to keep our own hidden. Jesus commanded the so called leaders of the church and people to throw their stones first whoever had not sinned and 1 by 1 from eldest to youngest they left... Why? Because we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So drop your stones today.. #NoJudgement just love

Late Night Arts District: Once a month the art district holds an event called late night at the museum where you are able to go hangout and enjoy the art at our several museums for FREE! There is usually live music and beverages for purchase alongside an array of food trucks to choose from. I love this! After church services, my good friend and I decide to check out the Nasher Sculpture Center this time.10pm and we are on our way to enjoy an hour or so of the Nasher but then we realized there was another art event called the Aurora here at the AT&T performing arts center that had traffic on 1Thousand! Needless to say we drove around for about a hour in traffic, maneuvering through closed side streets and making continuous rights on Central (I75) according to Siri and ended up nowhere by midnight..... I will soon be writing a book entitled the misadventures of Idia and Chantel and boy oh boy have I got some stories to tell!!

Saturday Night

Poetic Justice Dallas: Instagram invites! We all have friends who are promoters of some sort so of course me being the almost art snob that I am. I drag my people along. Let's go- 10.00 eventbrite, poetry fashion and music. We get there- of course it did not start on time- but we did not expect it to either. So not sure if it was upscale or ghetto or just a bit of both.

1.Had a fashion show- but one model had a burn on her leg.... uhm (No good) All of the outfits looked like they were ordered off of instagram but that is neither here or there.
2.Haircuts were taking place....Uhm yeah
3. 3D art was available for purchase it was let us say INTERESTING and they also had shoes and clothing for sale that was very Kanye inspired. Let us also note that the shoes had the plastic wrapping on it like Big T... so I would not suggest buying them they may fall apart... WOOKS.... WHAT ARE THOSE!!!??
4. Poetry/Music Artist: Some talent was there more or less, No one I would mark as up and coming just entertaining. A young lady sang whom my collegues likened to a mix of Beyonce and Erykah Badu if they had a child or Keri and Ciara and I quote "Baby girl was flat"

The Den: Nightlife in Dallas! My FAB GAB turned 21- so of course we had to turn up for the 3x's. Uptown Dallas is the place to be on a weekend night and Saturday night the fun was in abundance. Tequila shots on deck and routines done lol. Free entrance and club priced drinks... nothing out the ordinary. The music was great and we had a great time... no pressure just fun. Headed over to Fat Rabbits.... yeah not my scene but if you are into Techno go for it! If you ever come to Dallas- visit uptown. Plenty of bars, restaurants and  upscale hotels just in case you cannot make it home. Uber works wonders in this area as well. Get your crew, head out and have fun!

Sunday Funday
Times Ten Cellar: In honor of Fab Gab's legal 21st birthday alongside her mother and grandmother all  of whom are October babies we had a slight turn up for them all at this wonderful venue. I ordered a Muscat Blanc that was oh so delicioso!! Port was also circling the room. The artichoke and spinach dip was the talk of the room everyone fell in love! The cheese tray was great and we had a great time with friends and family. The only downside is this place is strictly for wine.... they serve no real food... BUT they did partner with surrounding businesses and you can place an order and they will deliver it to your table at the winery. They also had live music in the main area, a Jazz singer she was wonderful and sounded just like Nina Simone, Louis Armstrong and Patti Labelle all put together! Needless to say we had a wonderful time, great date place as well... hint hint.

The turndown took place at Skyhouse Dallas  the view of the Dallas Skyline she has on the 17th floor is breathtaking.... We moving on up!! Turn down for what? Work.... Here we are at #Mondaze


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