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The Struggle Is Real


Common enough saying that goes around to stress the dismay you have about a certain situation in your waking life.

Frederick Douglas is quoted in saying" Without struggle there can be no progress."

Why this choice today... Struggle.... why can we not just coast along and live life? Always some hard road up ahead or hard choice to make.

While watching Lost on netflix.... yes I know its like 10 years old but I have never watched it all the way through.... So while watching Lost- the episode where Charlie wants his drugs back from Locke and is having a hard time withdrawing they come across a moth cocoon. Locke explains to Charlie that just like butterflies the moth goes through a similar process. However, the moth is rarely recognized for its efforts- yes the butterfly is beautiful but the moth is faster, stronger, it spins silk and is more resilient. Locke goes on to point out that the small hole in the cocoon is how the moth will get out- but it must struggle first and work towards the hole before it becomes free. Locke has a knife in his hand and says he could slit the cocoon open and free the moth right now- but if he does the moth will be too weak to survive becuase the struggle it goes through to be free is what strengthens it to live outside the cocoon. I was like... man #thestruggleisREAL.

Lots of times in life we do not want to struggle or fight for what we want... we want the easy route with all the markers perfectly in view. We want someone else to slit the cocoon open so we can instantly be free. Sometimes to appreciate life or people close to you..a struggle of some sort must ensue to help you gain insight into what the end goal truly is and once you are free you will have no mistake on what helped you through. Sometimes bumps in the road wake you up from coasting along and so what you had to take a detour at one point... enjoy the scenery. Your story is not my story and your struggles won't be my struggles. Some of us are butterflies- people appreciate the beauty in our lives our looks our spirit, our optimism. While others are moths- creating beauty on the back aisle- rarely recognized but nevertheless working.  When we all get there we will each have a different perspective and appreciation for the journey. We all fly south to warmer climate so to speak. So yeah the struggle is real but it makes you strong. So push through, pull up and faint not.... you will get there and me too. The sky is not the limit... To infinity and beyond... just have fun.


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