This weekend I had the joy and honor of hosting the Launch Party for "ITM" Dallas. This initiative is a mentoring program geared towards young minority males to provide them with an outlet to be themselves and find their purpose in life. This program is not like others where I call you 1x week and maybe show up to a few games. It is about giving and receiving what you need to succeed. The premise of the program is to not only mentor young men but for those same young men to then become mentors for a lifetime. The level of accountability is unsurpassed. As a mentee- I can mess up and maybe slack on my goals a little because someone (my mentor) is there to guide me, but once I become a mentor- someone else is now depending on me to be their guide and I now have a true empathy and understanding for their plight as a mentee- because I was there. It is genius. Consistency is the goal and we are committed to changing the world- 1 life at a time. Successful launch party on 10...
This is a simple blog- journal of a type about my life- being female, black and trying to be saved. I have challenges, I have triumphs... I want to share. I want to talk about church, friends, family, relationships, makeup, fashion, hair and everything in between. Maybe I can become good at this blog thing.