"It's Good To Be Queen"- Quote on my favorite coffee mug. But heavy is the head that wears the crown... I don't care! Crown ME!
As I sit her sipping my tea while watching some medieval show- it hit me! I am a queen. So this spurred me into one my infamous google searches on the qualities and characteristics of a queen; the expectations and needs of a queen; what does it mean to be queen?
Of course there is Queen Elizabeth, Queen Esther,Queen Nefertiti and Queen of Sheba- what did these women possess that others do not. Aside from royal blood and marriage- they possessed a certain mindset, strength and respect for themselves first, then for the people.
Women in general have always been seen as the infererior sex due to our "ambition" as I call it in the Garden. As women we have always wanted more and are able to yield our power over men once we realize how to use it properly. As queens we possess the potential to not only birth a nation but to control it as well. However, we only desire the latter when leadership lacks on the end of the man in power. So as queens how do we posses such power and use it within proper context and finesse?
First I realized that all the queens previously named were highly religious. Whether they served God or others- their faith in their deity was unwavering. Religion plays such a powerful role in our lives whether we admit it or not. We draw strength from our foundation, turn to it in times of despair, rely on it for answers and fight for it if we must. As a queen you must believe in something or you will fall for anything.
Secondly, self respect. As a queen self respect ties hand in hand with self esteem. If I respect myself to the highest standard- my esteem will meet that respect. Whether bred into queenship or not all queens possess a high level of self respect. They command attention whether in name or in service, they do not allow peasants to determine their outlook on life. The continuance of the throne is the goal and anything else is just a mere distraction. In my life, I must realize that all this extra (relationships, family issues, people drama) are all distractions to keep me from achieving my end goal- building a sustainable empire. I must learn to respect myself and command that same level of respect from others. Sure grace and mercy, leniency and long-suffering have their place, but a proper understanding of my power should be known to all who come in contact with me.
Lastly, a Queen understands her place in its fullness. Being a woman has two facets and most men fail to realize that which is why they will never understand us. We have within us- thanks to our given rib-all that man has in terms of power, dominion, ability, strength, knowledge and hardness. However, we were also equipped with a nurturing aptitude, mercifulness, understanding and reasoning. We are able to see any situation from both points of view. We as queens fail to realize that despite all of our power and glory we are only queens because someone was a king. To that king we are his help meet- we are the voice of reason, the backbone, the joy and pride of our kings and our children. They brag on us, we become their weakness and their strength simultaneously. Crazy how we can "Launch a thousand ships" for one and kill another. Yes, we could take over, but we don't need that burden too- we want to help our king carry it. As a queen it is your place to pick up the slack where your King may fall. As long as our King is the protector of his realm and lord over his subjects properly we make his job easier by winning the hearts of the people over to him. As queens we are to be prepared to pick up both sword and bandage at any given notice. Our strength is for our king.So what happens when you lack a king? As a queen you wait -never be afraid to admit that you need help- we bear the children, take care of the affairs at home, teach others, give in time and service to others first and are expected to look good while doing so. (Hair did, Nails did- everything did up!) We do not need to bear the burdens of the nation as well. We wait for our king, prepare a house for him and ward off all others who seek his throne. As a queen stay ready- so you won't be caught off guard. Be the Esther of your household, possess the beauty of Nefertiti, gain the power and knowledge of Elizabeth, the persistence,resilence and respect of the Queen of Sheba. Make a name for yourself and then be attached to your king...
Go Forth and Rule..... It's good to be QUEEN.
As I sit her sipping my tea while watching some medieval show- it hit me! I am a queen. So this spurred me into one my infamous google searches on the qualities and characteristics of a queen; the expectations and needs of a queen; what does it mean to be queen?
Of course there is Queen Elizabeth, Queen Esther,Queen Nefertiti and Queen of Sheba- what did these women possess that others do not. Aside from royal blood and marriage- they possessed a certain mindset, strength and respect for themselves first, then for the people.
Women in general have always been seen as the infererior sex due to our "ambition" as I call it in the Garden. As women we have always wanted more and are able to yield our power over men once we realize how to use it properly. As queens we possess the potential to not only birth a nation but to control it as well. However, we only desire the latter when leadership lacks on the end of the man in power. So as queens how do we posses such power and use it within proper context and finesse?
First I realized that all the queens previously named were highly religious. Whether they served God or others- their faith in their deity was unwavering. Religion plays such a powerful role in our lives whether we admit it or not. We draw strength from our foundation, turn to it in times of despair, rely on it for answers and fight for it if we must. As a queen you must believe in something or you will fall for anything.
Secondly, self respect. As a queen self respect ties hand in hand with self esteem. If I respect myself to the highest standard- my esteem will meet that respect. Whether bred into queenship or not all queens possess a high level of self respect. They command attention whether in name or in service, they do not allow peasants to determine their outlook on life. The continuance of the throne is the goal and anything else is just a mere distraction. In my life, I must realize that all this extra (relationships, family issues, people drama) are all distractions to keep me from achieving my end goal- building a sustainable empire. I must learn to respect myself and command that same level of respect from others. Sure grace and mercy, leniency and long-suffering have their place, but a proper understanding of my power should be known to all who come in contact with me.
Lastly, a Queen understands her place in its fullness. Being a woman has two facets and most men fail to realize that which is why they will never understand us. We have within us- thanks to our given rib-all that man has in terms of power, dominion, ability, strength, knowledge and hardness. However, we were also equipped with a nurturing aptitude, mercifulness, understanding and reasoning. We are able to see any situation from both points of view. We as queens fail to realize that despite all of our power and glory we are only queens because someone was a king. To that king we are his help meet- we are the voice of reason, the backbone, the joy and pride of our kings and our children. They brag on us, we become their weakness and their strength simultaneously. Crazy how we can "Launch a thousand ships" for one and kill another. Yes, we could take over, but we don't need that burden too- we want to help our king carry it. As a queen it is your place to pick up the slack where your King may fall. As long as our King is the protector of his realm and lord over his subjects properly we make his job easier by winning the hearts of the people over to him. As queens we are to be prepared to pick up both sword and bandage at any given notice. Our strength is for our king.So what happens when you lack a king? As a queen you wait -never be afraid to admit that you need help- we bear the children, take care of the affairs at home, teach others, give in time and service to others first and are expected to look good while doing so. (Hair did, Nails did- everything did up!) We do not need to bear the burdens of the nation as well. We wait for our king, prepare a house for him and ward off all others who seek his throne. As a queen stay ready- so you won't be caught off guard. Be the Esther of your household, possess the beauty of Nefertiti, gain the power and knowledge of Elizabeth, the persistence,resilence and respect of the Queen of Sheba. Make a name for yourself and then be attached to your king...
Go Forth and Rule..... It's good to be QUEEN.
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