Update: I completed my 24 hours of solitude- which according to my friends is more than enough time to get over a breakup lol.
Upon completion- I have since ventured into the world of happy hours! Called up one of my sorors headed and headed to Plano. I figured that if I am to meet someone I must get out there. So I did. Had a good time, not too much pressure on myself and just chilled out, did not try too hard and voila! 2 numbers and a possible date.
This morning while deciding to write this particular blog... I ran across a recent article about dating in dallas. It was quite true and entertaining. We have limited date night options besides eating- there are no beaches, mountains or lush green areas. Since we have to eat- most restaurants offer you the down home, southern fried, BBQ sauce dipped, tex-mex options in very large portions- talk about gaining weight if you are on the dating scene. Not to mention the guy that works in a call center making 15/hr calls himself "Account Manager" Thank you corporate America and your exasberated Job Description titles for helping them fake it better! So you think you are going out with a successful guy who is management, nope its just Eric in the call center. Everything is BIGGER in texas, we can afford to stunt a lot easier than new yorkers or californians... we just can... thanks for being a liberal red state!
So what is a girl to do while dating in dallas? Solution: Go to different happy hours everywhere! Meet new people, expand my horizons and if you go on a date- eat a salad lol. All in all I am happy to report, that I am on my way to "GETTING OVER HIM" There is no time frame on how long it will take to get over a heartbreak. Yeah I still get sad when things remind me of him- but we made memories together. I cannot hole myself up in my suburban apartment and expect to be engaged next year! So ladies, get out there, be your best you, never compromise, never settle.
Let the Dating Games begin....
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