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The Anti-thesis to my feminism

So it is 9:38pm here in rainy Seattle. As I await my flight to DFW- I want to drop some knowledge on you. Feminism by definition is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. 

So the portion I want to focus on is the social aspect. I could argue this from several angles inclusive of the viewa of the beyhive and our independence from men. But I am not. I want to argue this from the social aspect of our intwined dependence of each other. So being a 90's era baby I fell in love with the mantra of anything you can do I can do better!  My inner competitor showed all through elementary from spelling bees to playing football and running track. I can be faster, stronger and smarter than any boy... And I believed that with every fiber of my being and for the most part I was successful in my beating of the boys. That was until middle school- when they suddenly were taller than me and stronger than me.... My interest shifted from competing with them to gaining their attention. 

Let me shift focus and give you the basis for why I believe as I believe now as a 26 year old single female. At home and at church we learn the story of the fall of man and how Eve was deceived and Adam followed.... Therefore as the woman we became the weaker vessel. So at my core there was always this "knowing" that I was not equal to a man... Regardless of my rights and intelligence in the eyes of God I somehow was 2nd.... Fast forward beyonce era- single ladies, on the run... Im confused- So girls run the world, but Men run the show- we keep the tempo- all my ladies making money throw ya hands up but im dangerously in love with you and at your becking call but you can go to the left... Am I new age feminist or classic working woman aiming for marriage and family? Fast forward sermon highlights that I, as a woman am the weaker vessel and created basically for the help him.. My desires are his.... But im single and I have to get it on my own... Do I become this weak chick waiting for a savior? Do I downgrade my accomplishments to cater to his ego? Do I sacrifice my hopes and dreams to guarantee marriage? Is there some magic switch to go from independent single to submissive wife? If so direct me there. 

So all of these conflicting ideals in my waking life spurred me to do some research, self reflection and realization. So here we go. This is how I see it. Yes as a gender we are the "weaker vessel, we were decieved, overcome by our ambitions for a better way of life. However- I am not a 2nd class citizen God equipped me to be your "help meet" which means I compliment you in all your areas of weakness and shortcomings. He made me to be your mirror opposite- we fit together perfectly- all our grooves and edges make us a complete image of what and who God is. I was never created to be your precise equal- however my power is not your power. I am the portal to which man enters this world, my emotional strength matches your physical strength, I nurture- you provide, I listen- you talk, I consult- you act, I think- you do. Behind every strong man is a strong woman. The help meet portion of my duty is deeper than just helping you- per se. In its original language it translates as a savior in a sense. I save you! I the woman, the weaker vessel- the submissive wife- I save you- I reveal the other apects of God to you- I bring you into this world and I give you your first taste of unconditional love. As a mother I ward off evils just because you are mine. Not because you are smart or handsome or rich- just because you are mine. Just like Jesus first loved us. We cannot repay him or thank him by any means and neither can you thank your mother for reaching the brinks of death to bring you here. Without woman who are you? Without me- you are not complete. Without you- I am only half a masterpiece  You fight off the obvious- I watch your back. Neither of us can do it alone. God saw that you were alone and he created me... Are you not thankful? You are commanded to love me as God loved the church.... Lets look at what he did for the church outside of "dying" for it I mean that is more than enough... But he set it on a hill for all to see- he was proud, he decked it in silver, gold, the best wood, furs and materials- he wanted her to look good so he provided and when he was done he declared that this is where he would dwell.... They would be one... You want access to him you come see her.... Mannnnn you see the church you saw him.... The woman- your woman- your sisters- your daughters- they are a reflection of you directly.... As a man, husband or brother. So why would you treat her badly or less than if she is an extension of yourself- fulfilling your desires- and picking up your slack. Equals- not in our sense of equality but rather of a mirror image equal.... Think on that. 


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